Probate is a court procedure by which a Will is proved to be valid or invalid. Today, we use the term “probate” to describe the process of distributing assets to beneficiaries or heirs through a procedural administration by the court. This administration involves matters including reimbursement for funeral expenses, payment of debt, transferring real estate and other property and closing accounts.
Most issues regarding probate are time sensitive and may need immediate attention. Stone Law Group, P.L. is very experienced in all areas of probate law and we are in touch with the sensitivity surrounding probate matters. Please contact us to discuss all of your probate needs and concerns.

What are Probate Assets
Probate Assets are those assets that the decedent owned in his or her sole name at death, without a named beneficiary or that were owned by the decedent and one or more co-owners and lacked a provision for automatic succession of ownership at death.
For example:
- A bank account or investment account in the sole name of a decedent is a probate asset.
- A life insurance policy, annuity contract or individual retirement account that is payable to the decedent’s estate.
- Real estate in the sole name of the decedent or in the name of the decedent and another person as tenants in common.
Keep in mind that Probate is necessary to pass ownership of the decedent’s probate assets to the decedent’s beneficiaries if the decedent left a valid Will. If there is no Will, probate is necessary to pass ownership of the decedent’s probate assets to those persons who are to receive them under Florida Law.
The death of a loved one is emotional and stressful.
Please allow Stone Law Group to help guide
you through this troubling time.
Some of the issues we routinely handle for our probate clients include:
Summary Administration Probate
Formal Administration Probate
Personal Representative Services